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2018 공예 식문화 융복합 전시소금, 빛깔 맛깔 때깔 Salt, The soul of color Flavor and Style, National Folk Museum of Korea |
2018 홍익대학교 도예과 동문전, 이앙갤러리Trace of Silence 17-2 52.5 x27 x 0.8 cm | 2018 CROSSOVER+, 밀알미술관The Cross In a Bowl 18-1, 37 X 37 X 16.5 |
2018 아시아현대도예전, 홍익대학교 현대 미술관TRY-Angle, w. 68 x d. 58 x h. 59 cm | 2018 겨울 교류전, 숙명여자대학교 청파갤러리Blue Action (靑爲) 1801,1802, (1801- 26 x 26 x 49.5 cm), (1802- 19.5 x 19.5 x 50.5 cm) |
461 km_Distance within Us, Jincheon Bell Museum, Jincheon, Korea |
Special Exhibition 2016 by fine Arts Professors, Sookmyung Women’s University, Cheongpa Gallery, Seoul, Korea |
Stunning Edge_2016 Contemporary Ceramic Art in Asia, Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum, Seto, Japan |
Power of Gentleness_the 110th Anniversary Exhibition of Sookmyung Women’s University, Sookmyung Women’s University Museum, Seoul, Korea |
2015 Asia Contemporary Ceramic Exhibition, Museum of China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China |
CeraMIXlife-The 6th GIC Biennale 2011, Bandal Museum, Yeoju,Korea | Asia Contemporary Ceramic Exhibition, Gwangdong,China |
Border and Temptation, Gallery Puzz, Paju | Border and Temptation, Gallery Puzz, Paju |
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